@Shawn: Could you please specify which area of the EXP graph is off?
@Mugford9: Which part of the table info is outdated?
Yeah, this table could use an update.
You may want to update this exp graph seeing how its off quite a bit lol
everytime I’m taking my notes about certain stuff in this game I discover there is allready a table made by you guys for it. Thank you!
I still cannot quite understand what the value of XP points is. what do you gain when you gain XP?
@Kwibbz, you’re misunderstanding the table. The values in the table represent the TOTAL XP available for each area/stage. It has nothing to do with the number of champions you run. That total XP is divided equally among the champions, however many you run. For example, if I’m leveling up some fresh Uncommon champs to use as food for ranking up a Rare, I could run a level 60 Athel and the three Uncommons. If I pick a random stage, say Palace of Aravia stage 6, the total XP from the table above is 14,400. After running the stage, all four champions get 14,400 / 4 = 3,600 XP. So the three Uncommons each get 3600 XP, and Athel gets 0 XP because she’s already at Max Level. If I had run the Level 60 Athel with one straggler Uncommon, that Uncommon would have gotten 14,400 / 2 = 7,200 XP.
It’s simple, and the table is correct.
This table only shows EXP for runs with 2 champs for every stage of every area.
It’s actually quite bad that this fact is not specified anywhere on this page.
If anyone wants the static amount of EXP available for any stage, they have to multiply the number shown here by 2.
If they want to know the amount for running with 3 champs, they need to multiply by 2 then divide by 3.
If they want to know the amount for running with 4 champs, they need to divide by 2.
This is a rather poorly executed table, @Ayumilove.
Sorry, but it is.
I tracked this as well. Map 1 Normal is perfect. In Hard mode, it appears you used TWO Champions rather than 4, so your base numbers are off.
In every level, a fixed amount of xp is divided equally among all participating Champions. For those champions who started the run at MAX, their portion of the xp is just lost. For those hitting MAX, some of their portion is lost as well. Every other Champion will gain a full portion.
The HARD run in 1.1 awards 9120 xp, divided among all the Champs. The awards to each will be based on the number of Champs on the run. 4 Champs will each get 9120/4=2280xp. Three will be awarded 9120/3=3040xp. If 2 Champs, it will be 9120/2=4560. As you can see, your numbers for 1.1 Hard are for a 2-Champ run.
Sorry for the bad news. What is worse, my later numbers were all skewed because i had one or more (stacking) xp bonuses in effect, so i don’t even know for sure what the baselines are. Sigh.
@CMLaBN: You will need to complete each Campaign with 1~2 champions, within the 10 minutes limit and none of the champions gets defeated by the enemy.
So how do I complete stages to get all 3 stars?
From this table, I make a ‘champions xp earned’. This is link for the sheet
Right before I was writhing this I was looking at this guide. I would like to point out that even if you lose you still get XP. As long as you kill 1 enemy. The more enemy’s you kill the more XP you will get. I am trying to figure out how much XP each enemy this will help us get a very accurate amount.
THanks for the fabulous chart. Half done my own after 2 weeks before i found this.
There is a simple answer to some of the confusion. All Champions, whether leveling or at full experience, SHARE all xp granted for the level. XP granted to fully-leveled Champs is just discarded.
Example: 2.1 on Normal (all Champs are leveling and reporting xp gains)
4 Champs: 1144 each
3 Champs: 1525 each
2 Champs: 2288 each
1 Champ: 4576
So, you could power-level one Champ with a stronger one for faster leveling (2288 per run), but if you run all four slots (a leader and 3 lesser ones), you’ll gain 1144 for each of the 3, totaling 1144×3=3432 total – a better overall return for your 4 energy.
I like to find a Champ who can solo a level, and then fill any or all of the other slots with anything (even level 1’s who die on the first hit will collect full xp).
@zino-sama. just tested. im getting 17,600 for 12-6 brutal. i get 10560/ champ and have both xp boosts, so its (10560 x4-20%)/2=17,600. xp is divided between all champs in the fight equally.
map 11 and 12 brutal are 5800 xp and not up to 17 K.. plz test it
Thanks Gortii , i understand now. Thats abig pill to swallow considering Nightmare is double the cost of Brutal, ill go back to farming Brutal 12/3 lol
Thanks for the help.
Whole stage 4/7 gives 26,640xp -> 53,280xp with boost
It’s divided equally for all characters, no matter if they are level 1 or 60
So You’r 55 char is getting 53,280/4 xp. Rest of the xp goes to Your 60’s but its wasted.
Farming Nightmare map 4 stage 7 with double XP boost, 3 chars at lvl60 and 1 at level 55.
Upon level completion my level 55 char receives 13320xp (the others obviously max’d)
Why doesn’t that lvl55 char receive the full XP and why is it not doubled by the boost??
My only comment is “WOW” what an awesome detailed and SUPER useful site this is. Thank you so much from us here in Denmark! Mange tusind tak da!
@AJ I think it’s because shields typically sell for more than other pieces.
Why is 12-3 better than 12-4? The enemies are 6 levels lower in that one, so isn’t it easier?
Map 9 – Silver
Stage 1 – 14,692
Stage 2 – 14,839
Stage 3 – 14,988
Stage 4 – 15,138
Stage 5 – 15,289
Stage 6 – 15,442
Stage 7 – 15,596
Maybe he was still talking about votes?
I made a graph to compare XP / Energy by level
With all due respect former President Trump, you probably have double xp active and/or don’t understand how xp gets split amongst your 4 party members. If by “way the hell off” you mean a factor of either 2, 4, or 8, from what you expected, then there’s your answer. The numbers are correct.
The numbers are way the hell off!
Lilly you must have done 12/3 with 2 Champions.
@Lilly – If you have double XP, you would multiply this number here by 2 and then divide by 4 to find out how much each champ will get. Notice you received exactly double what you were expecting? It’s explained in more detail on the Leveling Guide: https://ayumilove.net/raid-shadow-legends-champion-leveling-guide/
Just did Hard, Map 12, stage 3. My fodder got 5900 XP each, making it a total of 23600 XP, NOT 11800
Wrong numbers, I tried map 5 stage 1 just to finish a level 9 grey food but I got the exact half exp despite I was farming with xp boost
12-6 might give slightly better energy, but silver is a critical resource to have in order to level artifacts.
If you can farm Spider 20 to get silver, 12-6 might be viable to level 3* and up champs since Spider 20 yields a TON more silver per energy than any campaign stages.
If not, then stick to 12-3 in order to keep your silver bank stable.
is campaign the best way to ear silver?
It would be useful if you included a column for the exp / silver per energy used for each stage as well.
Thanks for the awesome site, I can tell much time and effort has been put into making this!
@Thylar Dar energy cost is at the top of the page
for Normal (4 Energy), Hard (6 Energy), Brutal (8 Energy) and Nightmare (16 Energy)
You can put the energy of each stage
@havek 12-6 becomes viable when farming 3 stars and up (diff in exp is useless below that), especially if premium and in a tournament/event where every drop of exp matters.
12-3 only gives around 438/2.74% (408/2.25% for premium) more silver than 12-6 on average when considering the drop rates.
12-6 gives 592(-148) (710(-177.5) premium) more exp with 100% boost, which we always have when farming campaign.
But in the end the difference between the 2 is so small it is negligible. 12-6 will barely save you runs 3 stars and above and 12-3 will barely give you more silver and especially if unlucky.
Hey @coomgrind, if you read the paragraph before this chart it tells you the answer to your question. Farm on brutal, dungeon 12, level 3.
Why am I getting only 7200 xp from stage 7 onwards in brutal difficulty? My xp boost is 100%.
It should be noted somewhere that the xp values here are the total xp that the team earns. So if you run with 4 champions you will need to divide that xp number by 4, run with 3 divide by 3, and so on.
can we get a best silver/energy and xp/energy? and where should i farm for silver?
@dr Oz
14400 is the total amount of XP from that stage. If you have x2 xp it’d be 28800 and with raid pass it’d be 34560.
The four characters share the xp which makes them get, 34560/4 each = 8640
It’s the total xp gained by the whole team. So if you have 4 characters they take 25% of it each. And if you have 2x xp you gain twice as much as stated on the sheet (obviously also divided evenly).
Remember that a character that is max level still takes their part of the xp.
I’m not following these XP values? Just ran Map 2 Stage 5 on Hard and got 2432 XP. Is that max XP if you get 3 stars?
@Vempele: I have updated Brutal 6-7 XP from 14,400 to 13,200.
This has been pointed out a couple of times already, but Brutal 6-7 gives 13200 XP, not 14400.
Dear Anmol, the 4.400 exp amount you get for each of the heroes at 12-6 – 4.400*4 = 17,600 as at the table which is shown above 🙂
its shows in your data that in brutal 12-7 the exp is 12240. but right now in the game the exp giving in 12-7 is 4400 only . can you help me in this
Grinding 6:1 on brutal. 3 full rank and 1 training. Got raid and XP boost. Only getting 8640pts – not the 14.4k showing above. What gives?
@Lane: These numbers are correct. This is the total amount of XP earned, divided evenly among all of the champions you run. If you run 4 champions and have no 2XP, you will receive 4292 per champion. If you have 2XP active, you will receive 8584 per champion.
There is no more 17k exp in brutal! Same goes to the other mode! Right?
You can farm Map 9 on brutal stage to get war maiden and berserker. Both champions are good at arena so you can invest on grinding the heroes so that you will have arena champions. In addition, you can farm the 9-4 for gloves, you’ll be looking for 5star crit gloves which you can give as broken set for your attack heroes. Speed boots also is good. Both crit and speed boots are in high demand so getting those artifacts here are good to equip on your faction war heroes.
Rexide 5900 it’s correct.
You are underdouble XP so it would be 11800*2 =23600
If you do the run with 4 chars you will get, per char, 23600xp /4 = 5900
Hard 12-3 only gives me 5900 exp
Hi, thanks for the spreedshet.
I would add XP per energy to help decide, expecially new players, wich stage is worth to farm.
IE I got lucky with an early Lugan that could farm 12-3 normal (1782 xp per energy) or up to 9-3 hard (1710 xp per energy) buth with warmaiden as a drop and a better money per energy ratio due to higher stars on drops.
My 2c
Normal 11-6 is giving me 5,500 Silver.
Normal 11-3 is giving me 5,350 Silver.
Just to add some % for brutal 12-6 compared to 12-3 including shield vs boots
Exp: +1.71%
drop rates (185 runs) + silver
(green 5*. 1.08%). -6.61% silver
(white 5*. 3.24%). -6.05%
(g4*. 5.41%) -4.47%
(w4*. 28.11%). -3.84%
(g3*. 4.32%). -3.10%
(w3*. 27.57%). -2.50%
(other 30.27%) +1.42%
Assuming those rates are somewhat correct 12-6 gives -2.67% silver than 12-3 on average.
(12-6= 15994.4162,,, 12-3=16432.4252silver)
Notes:numbers are the increase or decrease using 12-3 as the base. And I could not find official drop rates so I just used those made by “SetonAlendel” on reddit
Btw, why do I keep seeing people say that the shield sells for 15% more? (not here but all over YouTube and reddit) The boots sell for 10% less or shield for 11.111…% more, if you want to look at it this way (ie: 8100vs9000)
@Sarah Craft: It could probably be your RAID Pass (1 month / 6 month) subscription has been expired.
I was recently getting 14,000 silver running 12-3, I changed something on my gear and now I only get 11,000. I don’t why. Can you help?
@alex 11800 total exp, ur 5900 with the boost is divided by 4
This is incorrect information. Now with the experience booster for 12-6 on the hard, I get 5900 experience, where is 11800 without a booster ???
@Andreas Mbia:
Its total, divided by number of champs, not counting any XP boosts.
You have to apply bonuses and then divide XP by the number of champs, including the farmer. So 12-6 formula would be (17,600 x 240%)/4 = 10560 (if there’s 4 champs). Silver doesn’t get doubled, so it it’s just 10,700 + 20% = 12,840, which the game rounds off in the after-battle screen to 13k. Actual silver gained is not rounded, and will be 12,840, as can be seen if you do a single run on multi-battle and and check the multi-battle rewards earned.
From the Leveling Guide page in the links to the right (or bottom on mobile):
Note: 2XP provides Double XP Boost (200%), RAID Pass provides multiplicative 20% XP against Total XP, Level 100 Battle Pass provides additive 50% XP. Example: Brutal Campaign 12-3 base XP rewarded per champion is 4326. 2XP doubles the base XP (+200%), RAID Pass multiplies the total XP (200% x 20% = 40%), Battle Pass adds to the total XP (+50%). The formula is calculated as 200% + 40% + 50% = 290% (4326XP x 290% = 12545 XP per champion).
I’m running Map 12 Stage 6…I’m only getting 10,560 exp and 13k Silver
Is the Xp divided by 4 or solo?
EXP value for Brutal Stage 6-7 is 13200
Told ya I was likely missing something. I just got home from work and it’s nearly 5am. Don’t judge me 😉
These are definitely not the same numbers that i’m getting. Mine are alot lower and that’s with Raid Pass and XP Banners. My Brutal 12-6 runs get me 13k silver and 10,560XP. Am I missing something? That’s highly likely. Lol. Thanks for putting this together. <3
Ignore my previous post, was looking at the wrong map lol. My bad.
Why are most of the brutal XP numbers for Map 1 -map 9 pretty flat across all stages (1-6 )? Does XP really flatten out at those low levels and not climb incrementally until the later stages?
Map 2, which is Sewers of Arnoc, at Stage 6 only gives 588 xp for a full team. In total for solo that means it gives 2,352 xp. The silver is correct. Just ran this multiple times to check to make sure I was correct.
@ WileyMan: you’re right, everything is spot on, i made a mistake. Love to this site for all the info, amazing!
@Sto: Most of these numbers are correct. These are given as total XP, with no multipliers. The XP you are getting per champion depends on how many you are running and what multipliers you have, i.e., Double XP, Battle Pass, RAID Card. Take the number above, multiply by your specific multipliers, and divide by the number of champions you are running.
I have not verified very many of these, but in my experience, the XP Value for Brutal Stage 6-7 is incorrect. The correct XP Value for this stage is 13,200.
Is this accurate? Im new, currently farming 12-6 normal, i get 4402 exp on the champs im skilling
Just to follow up, I’ve found that 12-3 artifacts (Shields) sell for higher than those from any other stage. On Hard 12-3, which gives 2*-4* artifacts, the lowest return is 2,880 Silver (2* common) and the greatest is 11,250 Silver (4* Uncommon). The 3* common is frequent enough to be a surrogate for the average value of the artifacts, which sells for 5,538 Silver.
So in addition to the 9,550 Silver for winning the stage, one can likely expect 5,538 for selling the gear, or 15,088 Silver/run. Of course, there are also the item drops that come into play so no additional Silver can be gained on those runs. I haven’t considered the frequency of those drops on the Silver/run estimation.
Nice work! 🙂
What might also be cool is if the silver from the artifacts one sells could be included. Especially for Map 12, I don’t think twice about selling the artifacts I get from it. But is that data available?
I’ve brazenly stolen this data, put into google sheet and added formula’s to determine the xp and silver per energy spent for each stage. Hopefully it’s of some use someone:
@Christian I was thinking along similar lines. Farming Brutal gets more EXP per champion, but the energy costs are greater than the Hard stages. So when you’re not able to farm 12-3 Brutal, where are you best to spend your energy?
If you’re still using a starter champion like me, 12-3 Brutal won’t be farmable for you for a while. As I work toward that goal, I’m taking the approach of maximizing the EXP/Energy ratio because Energy is a limiting factor in farming. At the moment, I’m able to farm in Map 12 Hard, which takes 6 energy and gives 11,800 EXP for a victory. Dividing that by the energy (6) gives 1,966.67 EXP/Energy. This is the maximum ratio possible in farming the Hard stages. To get a better ratio, I will have to farm Brutal stages, but when does it become more energy efficient? Based on the table above, the energy efficiency starts to improve compared to Stage 12 Hard at Brutal 10-2 (15,784/8 = 1,973).
Generally, I think this is an important consideration for the players who are starting to grind, and often overlooked. Energy is a limited resource (especially when I’m not overcapped), so I want to avoid undervaluing it. Farming Brutal too early doesn’t give you the full value of your energy.
Where can I find info on how a Champions “power” is determined and what role does it play in game mechanics. I see when I fight a team in Arena that “team power” is displayed. Same with Arena Defense so I assume this number plays a role.
If you started with Elhain and is using her as your farmer, the best stages to farm with her would be 9-3 or 12-3 depending on which you can clear more consistently. Once you’ve unlocked the next difficulty, surprisingly enough, it is actually better to farm 12-3 Normal than 9-3 hard as the exp output is a bit higher. Needless to say this would apply for people who have a bit more time to farm as less energy consumption means more runs.
Hi there! I love all your stuff, super appreciative. I actually rebuilt your chart to include an exp/silver per energy spent column. I saw it asked for a couple of times and if you’d like to have it I’d be happy to send it your way.
@BamBamBara: 12-3 refers to Leveling up your champions in Campaign 12 Stage 3.
Hi Ayumi. Please can you explain what you mean by the term “12 – 3”? I see this mentioned everywhere but still have no idea what it refers to! Many thanks, Bara
So with energy efficiency in mind, you should farm levels at Normal 12-3/6 until you can farm Hard 10-6, and you should farm at Hard 12-3/6 until you can farm Brutal 10-3.
Great job! Btw, do you know if they lowered the XP to half? I know the table is for XP x2 bonus but I’m getting 1782 XP on 12.3 normal w/out XP bonus, this is a quarter of the 7128 you have on the table. Maxed leader and 3 getting XP.
Thank you for that explanation i had no idea. much appreciated
@skay: You get more silver in Brutal Campaign 12-3 by selling the Shield looted after completing the battle. The shield drop can be from 3~5 stars to compensate the loss of silver obtained directly from completing the campaign. If you want to grind specifically for Silver, the best is to do Spider’s Den dungeon. The amount of silver you gain is approximately 3~6 times more when selling accessories (Ring, Amulet, Necklace) depending on the stars for the amount of energy spent, while at the same time finding good pieces for your Faction champions. 2 Energy Refills can earn approximately a million silver with some spare excellent accessory pieces for your champions.
@Ben seaman Exp in the chart is ‘Total’ Exp.
The exp reward will be split to every champions (even that champ was lv.max).
That’s why you only receive 4k+ exp per character.
Farming on 12-3 brutal, only recieving 4k+ exp per character…..why?
Just asking a question: If I just go for silver, what is the best map+stage combination (without completely ignoring XP, see it more as second stat)? Isn’t level 12 on hard much more efficient than on brutal? I’ve calculated it in 12-3 (hard) -> I get 1592 silver per energy but only 1319 silver on brutal. But sure, the XP decreases from 2163 to 1967 per energy. Does the sale of the better shields compensate for the loss of silver? Or wouldn’t 12-3 on hard be the better grind in case of silver shortage?
@Akuma_Okami: The XP Table calculation is correct. What you are seeing above is the total XP gained from 1 champion when he solo that campaign. If you have 4 champions doing Campaign 12-3 Brutal, the XP is divided into 4, and multiplied by 2 if you are using Double XP Boost. So the calculation is performed as (17304 XP divided by 4 multiplied by 2 = 8652 XP). In addition, the Silver rewarded is not 11K. If you click on the Silver icon after you completed the Campaign 12-3, it will give you the exact value of 10,550 Silver (but the value is rounded up by the game developers to make it easier to view the numbers). I’ll prepare another Campaign XP Table to make it easier for players to understand.
Just did Brutal 12-3 and exp was 8652 and 11k silver. this was with the XP “flag” boost that is free to obtain and not with the paid sub fee. which is way off for both Map 12 stage Brutal that is shown on this chart
@Warmachine6905: Thanks for your input. I have included your data into the RAID Optimized Champions Leveling Guide at https://ayumilove.net/raid-shadow-legends-champion-exp-guide/ (its in the table diagrams)
To lvl from 1 to 60 it will take 107 exp brews (same affiliate as champ) plus 1star x3 champs. Using 108 will be a waste.
@ honeyloops. I ran all campaign for Normal. Hard. Brutal. Started 1/7/20 – 1/13/20. You can look at my comment for silver/exp. I’m also helping out with the events and tournaments. I have run nightmare on a few stages and will send my #s for them as well. I’ll also send what dungeon exp/silver when I can
@carlos: Thanks! I have populated the remaining stages XP for Nightmare Campaign.
@H0NEYL00PS: Thanks. I have updated Campaign Hard Map 11-1 to 11-7 silver, and also updated the page title.
Hey. Shouldn’t the name of this just be “for Campaign”. Correct me if I’m wrong, but this doesn’t show data for Dungeon stages like it says it does in the title. The first sentence of the intro says its just campaign too – this would help clarify the intent.
Also – I just ran Map 11 Stage 1 on Hard and got 9K Silver. This might need an update. Happy to contribute to that if you like! Just hmu.
Further to my last comment – I just looked at the table again and realised you’ve copied the Silver from Map 10 1-7 down over Map 11 1-7, so Map 11 just needs doing again. 🙂
Here are xp / silver for map lvls w/raid pass/xp boost as of 1/7/20
Based on Max Leader and 3 non maxed ( FULL TEAM )
** Note. Max Leader and 1or2 non maxed xp given is more
For example 5-4 (HARD)
Max ( full team )____________7740
Max and 1 non max xp given 9067
1-1. 768/900_____2736/5400___5760/6600___12787/10K
1-2. 1920/960____2750/5460___5760/6600___
1-3. 1927/1020___2765/5520___5760/6720___
1-4. 2705/1080___2774/5580___5760/6780___
1-5. 1808/1140___2792/5640___5760/6840___
1-6. 1811/1200___2810/5700___5760/6900___
1-7. 1299/1440___2470/5940___5040/7140___
2-1. 1372/1440___2851/5940___5760/7140
2-2. 1378/1500___2861/6000___5760/7200
2-3. 1384/1560___2861/6060___5760/7260
2-4. 1391/1620___2885/6120___5760/7320
2-5. 1404/1680___2918/6180___5760/7380
2-6. 1411/1740___2918/6240___5760/7440
2-7. 1010/1980___2606/6480___5040/7680
3-1. 1836/1980___3337/6480___6480/7680
3-2. 1858/2040___3402/6540___6480/7740
3-3. 1879/2100___3402/6600___6480/7800
3-4. 1912/2160___3467/6660___6480/7860
3-5. 1926/2220___3467/6720___6480/7920
3-6. 1940/2280___3488/6780___6480/7980
3-7. 1745/2520___3139/7020___5760/8220
4-1. 2183/2520___3946/7020___7200/8220
4-2. 2194/2580___3970/7080___7200/8280
4-3. 2219/2640___3996/7140___7200/8340
4-4. 2230/2700___3998/7200___7200/8400
4-5. 2255/2760___4018/7260___7200/8460
4-6. 2269/2820___4046/7320___7200/8520
4-7. 2273/3060___4054/7560___7200/8760
5-1. 2508/3060___4475/7560___7920/8760
5-2. 2533/3120___4475/7620___7920/8820
5-3. 2548/3180___4475/7680___7920/8880
5-4. 2573/3240___4534/7740___7920/8940
5-5. 2587/3300___4570/7800___7920/9000
5-6. 2612/3360___4570/7860___7920/9060
5-7. 2620/3600___4550/8100___7920/9300
6-1. 2890/3600___5069/8100___8640/9300
6-2. 2904/3660___5069/8160___8640/9360
6-3. 2923/3720___5069/8220___8640/9420
6-4. 2952/3780___5146/8280___8640/9480
6-5. 2956/3840___5155/8340___8640/9540
6-6. 2966/3900___5184/8400___8640/9600
6-7. 2746/4140___4744/8640___7920/9840
7-1. 2890/4140___5270/8640___8640/9840
7-2. 3221/4200___5270/8700___8640/9900
7-3. 3082/4260___5270/8760___8640/9960
7-4. 3096/4320___5280/8820___8640/10K_
7-5. 3113/4380___5294/8880___8640/10K_
7-6. 3138/4440___5371/8940___8640/10K_
7-7. 3161/4680___5357/9180___8640/10K_
8-1. 3197/4680___5486/9180___8640/10K_
8-2. 3221/4740___5486/9240___8640/10K_
8-3. 3234/4800___5486/9300___8640/11K_
8-4. 3254/4860___5486/9360___8460/11K_
8-5. 3283/4920___5539/9420___8640/11K_
8-6. 3307/4980___5582/9480___8640/11K_
8-7. 3317/5220___5598/9720___8640/11K_
9-1. 3629/5220___6125/9720___9360/11K_
9-2. 3648/5280___6158/9780___9360/11K_
9-3. 3648/5340___6158/9840___9360/11K_
9-4. 3696/5400___6192/9900___9360/11K_
9-5. 3720/5460___6192/9960___9360/11K_
9-6. 3744/5520___6192/10K____9360/11K_
9-7. 2635/5760___4373/10K____6480/12K_
10-1. 3835/5760__6374/10K____9422/12K_
10-2. 3859/5820__6418/10K____9470/12K_
10-3. 3859/5880__6418/10K____9470/12K_
10-4. 3917/5940__6461/10K____9518/12K_
10-5. 3941/6000__6461/11K____9518/12K_
10-6. 3941/6060__6461/11K____9518/12K_
10-7. 3432/6300__5582/11K____8198/12K_
11-1. 4085/6300__6792/11K____10272/12K
11-2. 4109/6360__6835/11K____10301/12K
11-3. 4255/6420__6835/11K____10301/12K
11-4. 4166/6480__6934/11K____10358/12K
11-5. 4190/6540__6977/11K____10382/12K
11-6. 4214/6600__7020/11K____10406/12K
11-7. 3543/6840__6044/11K____8712/13K_
12-1. 4248/6840__7080/11K____10301/13K
12-2. 4277/6900__7080/11K____10301/13K
12-3. 4277/6960__7080/12K____10382/13K
12-4. 4344/7020__7080/12K____10459/13K
12-5. 4373/7080__7080/12K____10536/13K
12-6. 4402/7140__7080/12K____10560/13K
12-7. 3114/7380__4956/12K____7344/13K_
From what i got in 12-6, Carlos is correct, can extrapolate all the values now.
nightmare 12-6 gives 39072xp and 19031 silver
Looks like the experience you get in brutal is 45.045% of the exp you will get in nightmare, except in stage 7, so i would safely asume what the xp por each stage is in brutal…
@Warmachine6905: The list is showing the total XP gained for all 4 champions if they have not reached the max level. If you take 1 champion to battle and solo the campaign stage, you will get the same amount of XP indicated in the chart above. Ensure that champion is fully geared (transfer your decent fully upgraded gears on him) to level him up fastest rather than having a speed farmer to level up him along with 2 more fodders.
@Joe: May I know which campaign stage you see its Double XP? Take note that the XP shown in the chart is the total XP gain for 1 champion. If you have 4 champion in battle, divide it by 4. Fastest way to level up a champion is in completing Campaign Stage 12-3 Brutal (for best XP and Silver ratio = More Silver gain when selling shield obtained from Stage 3). Put your best equipment on that solo champion who you want to take him to Level 60. Otherwise, get a decent campaign speed farmer or starter champion to level up 3 champions.
Looks like you had a double xp going when you made this chart…
I have no idea eather. I tried the math but it’s not coming up with the list vs what I see. I have finished Normal xp/silver totals for Max leader with full team. I will send updated #s for Normal / Hard / Brutal by Feb 1st
Silver for nightmare increases by 10% progressively, so you can update the rest of them…..for Xp i have got no idea how its being calculated.
@Mahyudha: The XP shown here is received by 1 champion. If you have 4 champions in battle, divide the EXP by 4. Assuming you have 4 champions selected for Campaign Battle, 5362/4 = 1341 EXP gained per champion. With double XP Boost active, each champion gains 2681 XP per battle. The XP distribution is either 100% (1 champion), 50% (2 champions), 33% (3 champions) and 25% (4 champions). It’s highly recommended to get all 4 champions in battle, so each round you will only waste the minimum of 25% XP for the maxed level farmer champion.
Why does the XP that I get doesn’t match the one on the list above?
for example in map 7 stage 2, above it says 5,368 XP, but all I get is around 2000, even though my double xp is still active
@Tswift: I’m not sure how to retrieve the raw XP and Silver without the Raid Pass 20% and Double XP. Do you know the previous values?
@MrOtaku: Thanks for your highlighting the error! I have made the necessary corrections to Brutal Map 11.
Nightmare 12-6, raid pass, double xp. The numbers I just posted are when running 1 farmer + 3 food champs, exp divided between 4 champs
Exp: 23,443 xp
Silver: 22,837 silver
Values for map 11 Brutal are wrong (same as map 10).
11-1 17120 10000
11-2 17168 10050
11-3 17168 10100
11-4 17264 10150
11-5 17304 10200
11-6 17344 10250
11-7 14520 10450
I have, but i didn’t pay close attention, and only farm 12-3.
@Madfox: Thanks for your input! I have added it into the list above! Have you tried the other stages in Campaign 12 Nightmare?
12-3 nightmare gives 38,416xp and 18471 silver
@Flors: I would need some assistance to clear Nightmare Campaign. If you have the data, post it here, so I can update the XP Silver table above 🙂
An update for the nightmare would be great
Could help us not waste so much energy on it
I second the motion for the update to Nightmare.
Could you please go over the Nightmare and update the chart?
Will you be updating for nightmare (16 energy)
Im wonder what the exp energy ratio is.
At first looks it seems brutal is still better for lv grinding