One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (2024)

My previous two blog posts revolved around derivation of the limiting distribution of U-statistics for one sample and multiple independent samples.

For derivation of the limiting distribution of a U-statistic for a single sample, check out Getting to know U: the asymptotic distribution of a single U-statistic.

For derivation of the limiting distribution of a U-statistic for multiple independent samples, check out Much Two U About Nothing: Extension of U-statistics to multiple independent samples.

The notation within these derivations can get quite complicated and it may be a bit unclear as to how to actually derive components of the limiting distribution.

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (1)

In this blog post, I provide two examples of both common one-sample U-statistics (Variance, Kendall’s Tau) and two-sample U-statistics (Difference of two means, Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney rank-sum statistic) and derive their limiting distribution using our previously developed theory.

Asymptotic distribution of U-statistics

One sample

For a single sample, One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (2), the U-statistic is given by

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (3)

where One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (4) is a symmetric kernel of degree One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (5).

For a review of what it means for One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (6) to be symmetric, check out U-, V-, and Dupree Statistics.

In the examples covered by this blog post, One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (7), so we can re-write One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (8) as,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (9)

Alternatively, this is equivalent to,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (10)

The limiting variance of One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (11) is given by,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (12)


One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (13)

or equivalently,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (14)

Note that when One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (15), One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (16).

For One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (17), these expressions reduce to

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (18)


One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (19)


One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (20)

The limiting distribution of One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (21) for One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (22) is then,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (23)

For derivation of the limiting distribution of a U-statistic for a single sample, check out Getting to know U: the asymptotic distribution of a single U-statistic.

Two independent samples

For two independent samples denoted One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (24) and One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (25), the two-sample U-statistic is given by

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (26)

where One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (27) is a kernel that is independently symmetric within the two blocks One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (28) and One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (29).

In the examples covered by this blog post, One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (30), reducing the U-statistic to,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (31)

The limiting variance of One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (32) is given by,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (33)


One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (34)


One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (35)


One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (36)


One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (37)

For One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (38), these expressions reduce to

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (39)


One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (40)


One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (41)

The limiting distribution of One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (42) for One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (43) and One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (44) is then,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (45)

For derivation of the limiting distribution of a U-statistic for multiple independent samples, check out Much Two U About Nothing: Extension of U-statistics to multiple independent samples.

Examples of one-sample U-statistics


Suppose we have an independent and identically distributed random sample of size One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (46), One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (47).
We wish to estimate the variance, which can be expressed as an expectation functional,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (48)

In order to estimate One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (49) using a U-statistic, we need to identify a kernel function that is unbiased for One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (50) and symmetric in its argument. We start by considering,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (51)

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (52) is unbiased for One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (53) since

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (54)

but is not symmetric since

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (55)

Thus, the corresponding symmetric kernel can be constructed as

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (56)

Here, the number of arguments One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (57) and One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (58) is the set of all permutations of the One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (59) arguments,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (60)

Then, the symmetric kernel which is unbiased for the variance is,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (61)

An unbiased estimator of One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (62) is then the U-statistic,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (63)

or equivalently,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (64)

Focusing on the second form of the sum and recognizing that

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (65)


One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (66)

we have,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (67)

Plugging this simplified expression back into our formula for One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (68), we obtain

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (69)

as desired.

It is well-known that One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (70) is the unbiased estimator of the sample variance such that,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (71)

but what about the variance of One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (72)? For a sample size of One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (73) and One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (74),

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (75)

To derive the first variance component One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (76), we start by taking the expectation of our kernel conditional on One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (77),

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (78)

Now, our first variance component One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (79) is just equal to the variance of One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (80) and since One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (81) is just a constant, we have

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (82)

where One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (83) is the fourth central moment.

Next, recognizing that One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (84) and recycling our “add zero” trick yields an expression for our second variance component One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (85),

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (86)

We know by definition that the kernel is an unbiased estimator of One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (87) by definition so that,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (88)

To simplify the remaining expectation, recall that,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (89)

and let One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (90) and One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (91). Then,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (92)

Substituting this back into our expression for One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (93), we have

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (94)

Finally, plugging our two variance components into our expression for One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (95),

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (96)

Then, our asymptotic result for One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (97) tells us,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (98)

Kendall’s Tau

Consider One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (99) bivariate, continuous observations of the form

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (100)

A pair of observations, One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (101) is considered “concordant” if

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (102)

and “discordant” otherwise.

The probability that two observations are concordant is then,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (103)

and the probability that two observations are discordant is then,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (104)

Kendall’s Tau, denoted One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (105), is the proportion of concordant pairs minus the proportion of discordant pairs, or the difference between One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (106) and One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (107) such that,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (108)

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (109) ranges between One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (110) and One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (111) and is used as a measure of the strength of monotone increasing/decreasing relationships, with One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (112) suggesting that One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (113) and One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (114) are independent and One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (115) suggesting a perfect monotonic increasing relationship between One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (116) and One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (117).

Based on our definition of One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (118), the form of the symmetric kernel is immediately obvious,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (119)

where One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (120) is an indicator function taking the value One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (121) when its argument is true and One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (122) otherwise.

Note that

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (123)


One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (124)

so that our kernel may be re-expressed as,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (125)

This will come in handy later.

Now that we have identified our kernel function, we can construct our U-statistic,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (126)

It is obvious that One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (127). Once again, One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (128) and the variance of One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (129) is given by,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (130)

For the purposes of demonstration and to simplify derivation of the variance components, suppose we are operating under the null hypothesis that One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (131) and One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (132) are independent, or equivalently

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (133)

To find our first variance component One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (134), we must find the expectation of our kernel conditional on One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (135),

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (136)

If One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (137) and One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (138), then One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (139) and,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (140)


Then, the first variance component is given by,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (141)

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (142) and One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (143) are independent random variables distributed according to One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (144).

If One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (145) then One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (146). Thus, if we let One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (147) and One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (148), One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (149) and One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (150) are both distributed according to One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (151).

Since One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (152) and One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (153) are independent, applying the identity One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (154) yields,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (155)

Recall that if One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (156),

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (157)

For One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (158) and One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (159), we have

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (160)


One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (161)

The same is true for One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (162).

Plugging our results back into our equation for One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (163) yields,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (164)

Next, One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (165) and,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (166)

By definition, One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (167) so that,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (168)

Note that since One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (169) and One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (170) are identically distributed and continuous, either One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (171) or One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (172), so that

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (173)


Then we can use the properties of the Bernoulli distribution to derive the properties of One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (174) we need. That is,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (175)

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (176)


One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (177)

Finally, we have

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (178)

The same arguments hold for One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (179) and we obtain,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (180)

However, since One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (181) under the null hypothesis, One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (182).

Now that we have determined the value of One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (183) and One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (184) under the null hypothesis that One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (185) and One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (186) are independent, we can plug these components into our formula for One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (187), giving us

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (188)

Our asymptotic result for One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (189) tells us,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (190)

Examples of two-sample U-statistics

Mean comparison

Suppose we have two independent random samples of size One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (191) and size One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (192),

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (193)


One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (194)

We wish to compare the means of the two groups. The obvious choice for our kernel is,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (195)

so that One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (196) and our corresponding U-statistic is,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (197)

Based on our previous derivation of the distribution of two-sample U-statistics, we have

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (198)

For the first variance component, we need to take the expectation of One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (199) conditional on a single One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (200) such that,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (201)

Similarly, for the second variance component, we need to condition on a single One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (202) such that,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (203)

Since One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (204) and One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (205) are just constants, it is easy to see that,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (206)


One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (207)

Finally, plugging these variance components into our formula for One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (208), we obtain the variance we would expect for a comparison of two means,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (209)

Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney rank-sum test

Suppose we have two independent random samples of size One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (210) and size One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (211),

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (212)


One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (213)

We assume that One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (214) and One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (215) are continuous so that no tied values are possible. Let One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (216) rpresent the full-sample ranks of the One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (217) and One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (218) represent the ranks of the One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (219).

Then, the Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney (WMW) rank-sum statistic is,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (220)

which can be shown to be equivalent to the number of pairs One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (221) for which One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (222). That is, we can re-express the WMW statistic as,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (223)

If we divide One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (224) by the total number of One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (225) pairs, we obtain

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (226)

which is exactly the form of a two-sample U-statistic with One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (227) and One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (228),

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (229)

so that One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (230). One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (231) is commonly referred to as the probabilistic index.

For more information on the probabilistic index for two continuous outcomes, check out The probabilistic index for two normally distributed outcomes.

Our previous work tells us that

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (232)

The first variance component One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (233) can be expressed as,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (234)

Recall that covariance can be expressed in terms of expectation as,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (235)

so that,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (236)

By definition,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (237)

Now, notice that

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (238)

so that,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (239)

Following similar logic for One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (240), it should be clear that we have

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (241)


One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (242)

Under the null hypothesis One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (243), One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (244) and One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (245) have the same (continuous) distribution so that either One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (246) or One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (247), implying One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (248) under One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (249).

Similarly, there are 6 equally likely orderings of One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (250), and One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (251) under One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (252): (1) One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (253), (2) One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (254), (3) One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (255), (4) One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (256), (5) One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (257), and (6) One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (258). Then,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (259)

Noting that One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (260), plugging these values into our expressions for One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (261) and One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (262) gives us,

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (263)


One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (264)

Consequently, since One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (265), we have

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (266)

In summary, our multiple-sample U-statistic theory tells us that under the null hypothesis One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (267),

One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (268)


One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (269)

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One, Two, U: Examples of common one- and two-sample U-statistics • Statisticelle (2024)


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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.