Inpatient Experiences with MyChart Bedside (2024)

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  • Telemed J E Health
  • PMC5749597

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Inpatient Experiences with MyChart Bedside (1)

Telemed J E Health. 2017 Aug 1; 23(8): 691–693.

Published online 2017 Aug 1. doi:10.1089/tmj.2016.0132

PMCID: PMC5749597

PMID: 28328391

Erin L. Winstanley, PhD,Inpatient Experiences with MyChart Bedside (2)1 Michelle Burtchin, RN, MSN,2 Yifan Zhang, MPH,1 Paula Campbell, RN, MHI,2,* Jodi Pahl, RN-C, MSN, CNE,3 Stephen Beck, MD,2 and Wayne Bohenek, PharmD, MS2

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Background:As technology is increasingly being integrated into hospital-based care, it is important to assess patient experiences. The purpose of this project was to conduct an evaluation of inpatient experiences with MyChart®Bedside.

Materials and Methods:A convenience sample of patients (n = 88) were included in this study, who responded to a Web-based self-reported survey that was embedded within the MyChart Bedside application.

Results:The majority of respondents (78%) reported that MyChart Bedside was easy to use. The respondents agreed that MyChart Bedside improved communication with their nurses (74%) and with their physicians (53%), as well as helped them understand their medications (90%) during their inpatient hospitalization.

Conclusions:The study found that the majority of patients were satisfied with MyChart Bedside, and they reported that it helped them learn more about their medications, as well as communicate with their care team.

Keywords: : tablets, patient satisfaction, information technology, telemedicine


Health information technologies (HIT) have rapidly expanded. Electronic health records (EHRs) have changed how providers and patients share health information, and they are projected to yield significant improvements in efficiency and potential cost savings.1 Although research suggests that HIT may have a positive impact on efficiency and effectiveness of care,2 there is limited empirical evidence on whether HIT improves patient satisfaction. A review found that only 54% of studies reported that HIT was associated with improvements in patient satisfaction.3 Further, there have been a limited number of studies on whether using tablets in the hospital improves patients' experiences and satisfaction.4

MyChart® Bedside, available from Epic, is an application that allows patients to view their EHR during an inpatient hospitalization. It was designed to improve inpatient education and engagement, and to strengthen patients' relationship with their care team. MyChart Bedside allows patients to view in real time information on their vital signs, laboratory results, medical procedures, and medications. It also allows patients to learn about their care team, request services, and access educational information. The specific features of MyChart Bedside are determined during implementation; therefore, its functionality may vary across hospitals. St. Rita's Medical Center was the first hospital in the world to implement MyChart Bedside in August 2013. It was initially piloted on a single unit and then eventually expanded to nearly the entire hospital by August 2015. During the first 2 years of implementation, the application was available on tablets provided by the hospital. In December 2015, an upgrade was released that allowed patients to access MyChart Bedside from their personal devices. St. Rita's now has ∼85 tablets available for patient use, and ∼50 MyChart Bedside accounts are activated every day.

There are limited published articles on MyChart and even fewer in the inpatient setting.5–8 One small study (n = 30) found that hospitalized patients who accessed their EHR had improved inpatient experiences and greater confidence in their care.9 The purpose of our study is to describe patients' experiences of accessing and using MyChart Bedside.

Materials and Methods

A Web-based survey was administered to a convenience sample (n = 88) of St. Rita's Medical Center patients. The survey was embedded within the application itself as a link to an external Web site. The survey was available between October 2013 and March 2016. The survey consisted of 14 close-ended items and 2 open-ended items. Given that the Web-based survey was not secure, it did not collect patient-identifiable or sociodemographic information. Stata SE 13.110 was used to conduct the statistical analysis. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize the survey responses. This project was reviewed and approved by the St. Rita Medical Center's Institutional Review Board (IRB).


The majority of respondents reported that MyChart Bedside improved their communication with their nurse (74.1%), physician (52.4%), and care team (60.8%). The vast majority of patients (89.7%) reported that it helped them understand their medications better (Table 1). The top five most useful features of MyChart Bedside were (1) viewing laboratory results (n = 51), (2) seeing information about medications (n = 49), (3) information about who was caring for them (n = 45), (4) seeing their schedule (n = 32), and (5) learning more about why they were in the hospital (n = 28). The five least useful features were (1) taking notes (n = 25), (2) making requests (n = 11), (3) signing up for MyChart (n = 10), (4) viewing laboratory results (n = 10), and (5) learning why they were in the hospital (n = 8).

Table 1.

Inpatient Agreement with Statements Regarding MyChart® Bedside Usage

Improved communication with nurses45.9 (39)28.2 (24)21.2 (18)3.5 (3)1.2 (1)
Improved communication with doctors23.8 (20)28.6 (24)42.9 (36)2.4 (2)2.4 (2)
Helped me communicate with my care team30.4 (24)30.4 (24)29.1 (23)5.1 (4)5.1 (4)
Helped me understand my medications better57.5 (50)32.2 (28)8.0 (7)2.3 (2)0.0 (0)
Bedside application was easy to use39.2 (31)43.0 (34)7.6 (6)5.1 (4)5.1 (4)
Tablet was easy to use41.0 (32)34.6 (27)14.1 (11)3.8 (3)6.4 (5)
Needed help learning to use Bedside9.0 (7)23.1 (18)24.4 (19)29.5 (23)14.1 (11)
Needed help learning to use the tablet11.4 (9)19.0 (15)17.7 (14)29.1 (23)22.8 (18)
Liked the way Bedside looked32.5 (25)44.2 (34)18.2 (14)2.6 (2)2.6 (2)
Let me feel like I had control over my stay36.4 (28)28.6 (22)26.0 (20)6.5 (5)2.6 (2)

Open in a separate window

The majority of respondents (83.5%) reported that they used the tablet to access MyChart Bedside. Respondents also used the tablets to browse the Internet (32.9%), play games (17.7%), and watch movies (11.4%). Only 11 patients reported that their family or friends used MyChart Bedside, and several respondents (n = 21) reported that they did not know that family members or friends could access their MyChart Bedside account. The top three categories of information that were new to the patient because of their use of MyChart Bedside were as follows: medications (n = 6), laboratory results (n = 6), and health information and diagnosis (n = 5).


Patients' experiences were overall positive, suggesting that MyChart Bedside may be an effective tool to improve patient satisfaction. MyChart Bedside received the highest ratings for helping patients improve their understanding of medications and communication with nurses. It was interesting to note that MyChart Bedside had greater improvements in nursing communication compared with physician communication (p = 0.003). During implementation, nurses were responsible for introducing the tool to patients and nurses may have been more actively involved with it.

The two least useful features were taking notes and making requests, which is not surprising given that the hospital provided tablets with only an onscreen keyboard. The “I Would Like” feature for making requests generates a flag in the system; however, it does not push a message to the care teams' mobile devices. Therefore, the nursing staff recommended that patients avoid using this feature. The results of this study suggest that patients' experiences of using the specific features of MyChart Bedside are linked to their functionality.

There are several limitations to this study. No patient identifiable information was collected, so the extent to which this sample represents the population of MyChart Bedside users is unknown. In addition, we do not know the sociodemographic or clinical characteristics of the respondents nor whether use impacted overall hospital satisfaction ratings. The survey was not validated, and the high ratings on some of the items may suggest ceiling effects. Nevertheless, this study provides preliminary evidence on patients' experience of using MyChart Bedside and may inform the development of future research studies.

In summary, patients report that MyChart Bedside is a tool that improves their understanding of their medications and their communication with their care team. MyChart Bedside was developed as a tool to improve patient engagement in care, and additional research is needed to determine whether it has achieved this goal, as well as whether it improves patients' knowledge. In addition, it will be important to determine whether MyChart Bedside and other similar tools have the potential to improve overall inpatient experiences.


This study was supported by Mercy Health internal funds.

Disclosure Statement

No competing financial interests exist.


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Articles from Telemedicine Journal and e-Health are provided here courtesy of Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.

Inpatient Experiences with MyChart Bedside (2024)


How does MyChart promote patient safety? ›

This tool was designed to empower patients and, in turn, improve the quality and safety of care through 3 main functionalities: 1) sharing real-time information, e.g. daily schedule, medications and test results, 2) providing a mechanism to recognize and communicate with the healthcare team, and 3) delivering relevant ...

What is inpatient experience? ›

Patient experience refers to the many varied interactions that patients have with the healthcare system, including their care from health plans, and from doctors, nurses, and staff in hospitals, physician practices, and other healthcare facilities.

What is Epic MyChart Bedside? ›

MyChart Bedside is your portal for engaging with your care while admitted to the hospital. Empower yourself and your family with access to your care team, clinical data, and health education.

Why do people use MyChart? ›

MyChart gives you access to your health information and a direct connection to your care team, with tools to help you actively participate in your care.

What are the disadvantages of MyChart? ›

  • Actual data when displayed is a bit unpolished.
  • Didn't find easy integration to device calendar and profiles.
  • Dark mode would have been nice.

What should not be included in the patient chart? ›

The following is a list of items you should not include in the medical entry:
  • Financial or health insurance information,
  • Subjective opinions,
  • Speculations,
  • Blame of others or self-doubt,
  • Legal information such as narratives provided to your professional liability carrier or correspondence with your defense attorney,

What are examples of patient experience? ›

Things such as getting timely appointments, access to health information, and having a good relationship with healthcare providers comprise of the patient experience. Because of the strong connection between patient experience and health outcomes, it is critical to improve patient experience in hospitals.

What are the four pillars of patient experience? ›

Quality care, effective communication, accessibility, and a comfortable environment are the foundational pillars of a positive patient experience.

What are the five key initiatives of the patient experience? ›

How to Improve Patient Experience: 5 Key Initiatives
  • Invest in patient engagement solutions. ...
  • Establish real-time transparency. ...
  • Connect prior to discharge. ...
  • Develop a learning culture. ...
  • Hear from patients in their own words.
Nov 1, 2023

What is the difference between MyChart and Epic? ›

MyChart is EPIC's patient portal. MyChart is a secure means for patients to access parts of their health records through a web browser and cell-phone apps.

Why do most hospitals use Epic? ›

Healthcare systems use Epic for keeping clinical records and handling patient scheduling, billing, registration, and more.

Do doctors respond to MyChart? ›

Messaging your doctor can be a convenient way to get medical advice. You can send a note through MyChart whenever you have time – day or night – and your provider will typically reply in one to three business days.

What percentage of patients use MyChart? ›

Patient portal usage

About half of the respondents (226/428, 52.8%) reported accessing the patient portal through the MyChart app at least once a month.

Can other doctors see messages on MyChart? ›

Multiple members of your care team may view MyChart messages in order to get an appropriate and efficient response; this may include nurses or advance practice clinicians other than your primary care provider (PCP).

How does EHR promote patient safety? ›

The seamless data transfer and real-time communication of EHRs automate processes to reduce human error and the harm it can cause to patients. For example, if a patient seeks emergency care, EHRs can notify the patient's primary care provider to schedule a follow-up appointment.

How can we ensure patient medical records are secure? ›

How to Protect Healthcare Data
  1. Educate Healthcare Staff. ...
  2. Restrict Access to Data and Applications. ...
  3. Implement Data Usage Controls. ...
  4. Log and Monitor Use. ...
  5. Encrypt Data at Rest and in Transit. ...
  6. Secure Mobile Devices. ...
  7. Mitigate Connected Device Risks. ...
  8. Conduct Regular Risk Assessments.
Sep 17, 2020

Why is it important to promote patient safety? ›

Patient safety is essential in fostering trust and confidence in the healthcare system. Patients and their families are more likely to trust healthcare providers and follow therapies when they are confident in their safety.

What is the primary purpose of the patient chart? ›

The purpose of medical charts is to provide clinicians with all necessary information to accurately diagnose, treat, follow, and in many cases, help to prevent medical conditions, disorders, and diseases.


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