Best PoE Vendor Recipes Ultimate Guide For 2020 - FragMeta (2025)

PoE has been out for close to seven years and is undeniably one of the most popular action RPG’s out and about. Despite this, it’s surprising to know that many new players and veterans alike don’t know about the wealth of PoE vendor recipes that they can use to simplify their in-game lives.


That’s exactly why we’ve decided to put together an all-in-one ultimate guide to the PoE vendor recipes that you should know and make good use of in 2020.

Let’s dive right in!

Best PoE Vendor Recipes Ultimate Guide For 2020 - FragMeta (1)

Quality Currency Recipe

This is one of the most useful PoE vendor recipes for your day to day life. If you want quality-enhancing currency, you’ll need to provide a number of items, the quality of which has to sum up to 40%.

Armorer’s Scraps, Glassblower’s Bauble, Gemcutters Prisms & Blackmith’s Whetstones

For example, if you wanted the vendor to give me 1 Armorer’s scrap, you’ll need to throw in several Armor pieces, the quality of which should add up to 40%. This could be a chest piece with 20% quality, a set of boots with 10% quality, and a helmet with 10% quality.

This also applies to flasks, weapons, maps, and even gems!

However, I wouldn’t recommend that you sell your skill gems if they have a quality of more than 10%. Depending on the skill gem, it might be more profitable (and more beneficial) to sell it to other players throughthe marketplace.


Cartographer’s Chisels

Many people don’t know, but you can actually trade off your crappy low-tier maps once you’ve cleared the Atlas in exchange for a wealth of cartographer’s chisels.


This particular version involves you trading a single Gavel (Stone Hammer or Rock Breaker) that has 20% quality, along with any map of your choice, in exchange for a single cartographer’s chisel.

Considering how often Gavels drop throughout the game, this is one of the easiest recipes to follow, and it’s an easy way to make some incredibly quick currency when you’re starting out.

The Vaal Orb Recipe

There is a staggering amount of players who regularly ask in Global chat “how do I get Vaal orbs?” When you’re corrupting your gear to hit specific mods that will empower your build, these orbs are an essential resource. And when you have to run through multiple corrupts, your supply can dry up quickly.

Thankfully, there’s an incredibly simple PoE vendor recipe that you can follow to get more Vaal orbs anytime. You’ll need to sell 7 Vaal Skill-Gems (any of them work), along with one of the sacrifice pieces (Sacrifice At Dusk, Noon, Midnight, or Dawn) – in exchange for a single Vaal orb.

Keep in mind that Sacrifice at Midnight is relatively expensive compared to the other sacrifice pieces, and you’re better off selling it for currency to other players and then converting that currency into Vaal orbs.

How To Upgrade Your Maps

This is one of the staple recipes on our list, and one that surprisingly few people use in their mapping efforts. In this recipe, you can trade three of the same map for one of the corresponding map from the tier above.

Keep in mind that each map upgrades into a specific pre-designated map base, which is going to be from a map one tier up in the same region as your original map.

Chromatic Orb Recipe

If you need a bit of extra currency when you’re starting out a new league, this is one of the best recipes to follow. What you’ll need to do is gather any items you find with three linked sockets that feature all three socket colors (blue, green, and red). You can sell them to a vendor at a one-to-one ratio for Chromatic orbs.

Jeweler’s Orb Recipe

Have you ever seen those crappy six socket items that seem to drop every couple of maps past tier 10? Well, unbeknownst to most players, they’re actually good for something.


You can trade these six socket items for seven Jeweler’s orbs a pop. In most leagues, this tens to equal out to around the value of a chaos orb, making this one of the most worth-while recipes to keep in the back of your mind as you map.

Skill Gem Level Recipe

If you’re looking to make a little bit of extra currency or trying to really power up your build with some high-level and high-quality skill gems, this entry into our top PoE vendor recipes list is for you.

20% Quality Skill Gems

When you trade a level 20 skill gem together with a gemcutter’s prism to a vendor – you’ll get the same gem with 20% quality at level one. While to some people, it may seem like a waste, this is actually incredibly profitable, especially for skill gems that meta-builds use. You can buy a level 18-19 gem for cheap, run it in your off-slots and then use this recipe to earn a hefty profit on the gem.

How To De-Level A Skill Gem

If you’ve leveled your gem up a little too high, don’t worry. All you have to do to reduce it’s level by one point is trade the skill gem along with an orb of scouring.

+1 To Level Of Gems On Weapons

The added gem-type level modifier could make for an insanely powerful early-game leveling weapon, especially when you’re just getting started with a new league, and access to leveling uniques is limited.

For this addition to our PoE vendor recipes, you’ll need to trade a magic-quality wand or sceptre along with either a ruby, topaz, or sapphire ring to get an added level to fire, lightning, and cold gems on the item respectively.

Increased Damage Type Recipe

If you’re interested in giving your character’s damage a strong buff, this entry into our list of useful PoE vendor recipes allows you to create powerful leveling weapons with added physical or spell damage.

How To Get Percentile Physical Damage On Your Weapon

You’ll need to trade in a weapon of your choice along with a rustic sash and a blackmith’s whetstone. However, you’ll need to keep in mind that you should aim to trade in a rare sash as that would provide for a 70-89% physical damage stat, whereas a magic sash only gives you 50-69%.

How To Get Percentile Spell Damage On Your Weapon

This one is a little bit different as it only works with wands, sceptres, staves and daggers. You’ll need to trade one of those weapons along with a chain belt and a blackmith’s whetstone. In this case, a rare chain belt will offer 30-39% spell damage, whereas a magic chain belt will grant you a 20-29% increase.


From vendor recipes to crafting and rolling specific rare sextant mods like hunted traitors, the game has tons of mechanics for you to enjoy and leverage to get ahead. While there are a lot of PoE vendor recipes scattered throughout the game, today, we’ve had a look at some of the most useful ones that you should keep in mind while you play. Whether you’re just leveling up a new character or are grinding through your Atlas for completion – there’s something for everyone in the list that we’ve laid out.

Did we miss any recipes? Let us know which ones are your favorite, or if you’d like us to include a specific recipe that we didn’t cover down in the comments below!

Tags: Craftingpath of exilePoE

Best PoE Vendor Recipes Ultimate Guide For 2020 - FragMeta (2025)


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